Friday, December 11, 2009

Hotels Play a Big Role in the Success of Communities in Phoenix

Hotels play a bigger part in contributing to the success of the Phoenix community more than residents may realize. A new study was released by the Destination & Travel Foundation, featuring the city of Phoenix found that one guestroom alone generated $6,300 in taxes among other findings. The study proves that not only have hotels in Phoenix significantly contributed to the income of the city but that other cities might have similar revenue coming in from hotels. "For people within our industry, this data is educational; for people outside our industry, it can be enlightening as to just how hotels are a fabric to one's community needs," said the Greater Phoenix Convention & Visitors Bureau (GPCVB) President and CEO, Steve Moore. More than $166 million in taxes came from Phoenix hotels. The study is representative of Phoenix, although Phoenix is just one large metropolitan city in comparison to what the possible overall total of hotel revenue is in the Unites States. For more information go to the following website:

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