Friday, March 30, 2012

QR Frenzy!

Finding ways to use the newest technology is gaining speed as it becomes a priority for many events.  Not only is the use of apps on the rise but so is the use of QR codes according to an article in BizBash recently.  The number of places that you can find QR codes and the amount of information they can link you to is steadily rising also.

In the early days of this technology you would find these codes mostly in print.  Now we are finding them hiding in some very creative places.    Tiffany & Company recently put them on cookies as an invitation to its Fashion’s Night Out and Toronto’s Boobyball fundraiser for breast cancer research placed the codes on the chests of topless male models.

As the locations of these codes expands so do their purposes.  QR codes are now leading their avid scanners to videos, product information, contests, invitations and even digital business cards.  It’s great to know about all the places they can take us but it is important that as meeting planners we understand how to make the most of the technology. 

When creating a QR code, we must remember that the content we link to should be optimized for mobile viewing.  These codes are most often scanned by smart phones.  Because there are many different apps for QR scanning, make sure to test your code with as many scanners as possible. 

Find a way to track the data- these codes can tell you where the scan takes place, if it is shared, or what type of device is used to scan it.  This information can help you to narrow down your demographics and tailor the information that you share.

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