Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Tools to Ensure Your Company is Technologically Savvy in 2010

If you thought Twitter and the iphone were as technologically advanced as we could get, think again! 2010 promises to be an impressive year for both technology devises and online social networking tools. Computer trends are turning to both smaller and lightweight Netbooks, with new updated operating systems. Microsoft will be coming out with Windows 7, and will be competing with Google, who will be making its first attempt at an operating system, called Google Chrome. Google will also be competing with Mozilla on new social networking devices. Google will be launching Wave, a device that is part instant-messaging, part email, and part social-media integration. Interestingly, Mozilla will be launching their device called Raindrop, which includes all of the networking capabilities of Google Wave, but also integrates Twitter and Skype. Lastly, Google will try to out-do Apple with their launch of Droid. A smart phone that has some enthusiasts saying it could replace computers altogether. Which devices will live up to their potential and enhance your business in the New Year? Stay tuned in 2010 to find out!
To find out more go to:

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